Wednesday, 13 November 2013


 After all the electrical stuff i had, i begin with arrage all the electronics part into a suitable board which can fix into the box.
 then,i manage to  relocated the motor according to the rotation sensor using the black rotation disc.

                                                 after all i make it the frame of my project

before finalize the hardware i put together the circuit into a custome made box at the frame of my project

                               finally after fitting the bulb wire and finalize the hardware development

Wednesday, 6 November 2013




Electrical Appliances
  1. electrical deck box
  2. board
  3. motor
  4. Bulb Holder
  5. rotation disk
  6. Bulb (100watts)
  7. 2.5mm wiring cable
  8. 1.5mm wiring cable
  9. wooden layout 

Friday, 1 November 2013

Software Development : Program the PIC

For software development i used MikroC, MikroElektronika C compiler for microchip PIC microcontrollers version :
 I use basic C language for my project programming for PIC Microcontroller. after completed all of the program without any error( save file as .c), then compile all and proceed to burn HEX file to my PIC16F877A

  1.  Import the HEX file
  2. Reading the device and memory.

  1.  verifying the device and memory
  2. program was successful write into microcontroller.

The PIC Burner that i used to burn HEX file.